Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Don't Blame the Devil

Today's Reading: Luke 9-12

"Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands." Luke 9: 44 NRSV

I don't know if you "believe" in Satan/the devil or active evil in the world or in your life. Perhaps you see Satan as an ongoing tempter or interferer in your spiritual and physical life. You perhaps know there is evil in the world but it is more about people than a demonic force instead. No matter which viewpoint you have, today's reading is very scary.

Jesus is telling his disciples, even while people are amazed at what he can do, that he will fall at the hands of human beings.

Jesus has just cast a demon out of a young boy. But he is telling the disciples that it won't be a demon or unclean spirit that betrays him but human beings.

We cannot blame the devil or even evil for what happened to Jesus. Instead, we must see that it is our fault. Human beings betrayed God's son. Human beings are responsible for Jesus' death. Human beings abandoned him, beat him and nailed him to a cross.

When have you betrayed Jesus lately? Did you blame evil or the devil afterwards? Maybe you are still in denial that Jesus was abandoned by you in the first place. We all need to take responsibility for our actions against Jesus and stop blaming outside forces.

Let these words sink into your ears.


Copyright 2010 Amelia G. Sims

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