Monday, September 27, 2010

Follow Me!

Today's reading: John 20-21

Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!" John 21: 22 NRSV

Jesus has given Peter clear final instructions on what he is to do once Jesus ascends. Jesus has also just informed Peter of what his future is going to be like. "Follow me!" Jesus concludes to Peter. Then Peter turns and sees this other disciple, the one that Jesus seems to love so much. "What about him?" Peter asks. Jesus tells him to stop worrying about the other person -- what is that to Peter? Follow Jesus!

We are all so much like Peter. We are so much more concerned about the other person. We want them to follow Jesus, to listen to the Holy Spirit and to do God's will. We are full of advice and assistance for others to do so. We want to know what God has in store for them and if they will be better Christians than we ever will.

But God says to us, "What is that to you? Follow me!"

Do we listen? Maybe half the time, when we are not so busy trying to figure out God's business in the lives of those around us.

If we spent more time on following Jesus rather than comparing ourselves to others, we would probably be much closer to God's kingdom here on earth.

God, help us to listen to what you are saying to us and to follow you. Prevent us from becoming so wrapped up in what you are planning for others that we miss what you have for us. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2010 Amelia G. Sims

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