Saturday, September 25, 2010

Written on Our Behalf

Today's reading: John 17

I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word. John 17: 20 NRSV

How did you come to know about Jesus?

Do you go to Sunday school as a child? Did your parents read to you about Jesus? Did you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas while growing up?

Or were you older? Did you began to understand by hearing and later reading about Jesus in the Gospels?

In any of the above ways, we all know about Jesus through the Gospels.

And the surprising thing is that we don't really know who wrote what gospel. When the bible was officially approved from various letters and books from churches in the 4th century, the church leaders gave each gospel a name according to which disciple the book seemed to be written. No disciple had  signed any of the books. I would call what they did inspired guesswork.

But what matters more than who wrote what is that the gospels were written for our edification and belief.

And Jesus spoke these words in his prayer to God not just for his disciples to hear but for us to hear and believe.

Praise God!

God, thank you for those who wrote the gospels. Without their faith and their work, we may not have come to believe. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2010 Amelia G. Sims

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