Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Mystery

Today's reading: Revelation 1

I, John, your brother who share with you in Jesus the persecution and the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 1: 9 NRSV

John was in prison. And not just any prison. This was the Alcatraz of the first century. He was considered so dangerous that he had to be placed on an island prison.

Now, if you are considered dangerous and are being incarcerated in a special prison, do you think you can just write any letter to anyone saying anything?

Of course not!

In fact, the whole of the Book of Revelation is actual quite humorous because it is anything but a revelation. It is written in code.

That's right. In code.

You have to know your Bible and lots of churchy language to begin to interpret this book. Even then much of it will remain a mystery as we have lost that whole First Century language and mindset.

You cannot, I repeat, cannot, take this book of scripture on face value. There are too many hidden messages.

Despite its various mysteries, we are going to attempt to see what this book can teach us throughout this December. May we be reminded that life has many mysteries, many of which we will never understand until we are face to face with God.

God, thank you for the mysteries of life. May we appreciate anew this Advent season that you still have hidden messages for us of things to come. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2010 Amelia G. Sims

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