Monday, November 21, 2011

Like an Olive Tree

But I am like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God. I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever. Psalm 52: 8 NLT

When I think of this image of an olive tree, thriving in the house of God, I think of what I know about olive trees. I once heard of a tradition in Israel of planting an olive tree when your child is born. Olive trees take many years to mature. But when you plant one at the birth of a baby, when the person is an adult they will have a tree to depend upon for years to come.

Many of the olive trees that I have seen in the Holy Land are very old. Their roots are well-established. They are sturdy. They produce relaxing shade and good fruit. In other words, they are thriving. Even when an olive tree is cut down, it can grow back from the roots.

To be like an olive tree in God's house means to be well-rooted from birth. It also means that you won't be going away from God. Instead, you will continue to grow, producing viable fruit for years to come.

Trusting in God's unfailing love means that you will be well-rooted, sturdy, growing and producing fruit.

God, help us to trust you and your unfailing love forever and ever. May we be like an olive tree in your presence. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2011 Amelia G. Sims

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