Thursday, March 18, 2010

What would you ask for?

I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor all your life; no other king shall compare with you. I Kings 3: 13 NRSV

Think about this for a minute: if God promised that you could have anything you wanted, what would you ask for?

Although I am unsure what I would ask for I don't think wisdom would come to mind. But the more I think about it, I think Solomon already had wisdom. Consider this: without wisdom, would Solomon have asked for wisdom? Maybe he really needed confidence in his ability to be wise. Perhaps he did not realize that wisdom was a quality he already possessed. He realized that he had been thrust onto the throne and was now in the position of leading the people of Israel. Wisdom would be something essential.

And because he didn't ask for something frivolous, he received more than he had asked for. 

What has life thrown at you recently? Is there a particular personality trait or quality that you feel you need to meet life's challenges? Perhaps you already have it but need more. Or you need the confidence to use your abilities. God is here to listen to your request.

God, I need ________________________. This is my prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2010 Amelia G. Sims

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