Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and said, "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?" II Samuel 7:18 NRSV
God has established his covenant with David and David's descendants. David responds by sitting down and praying to God. Even though he is a great man, David realizes that he is no one to whom God should have paid any mind, much less brought such victory and accomplishment. Even though he is God's anointed, David has not lost his humility.
Who are you?
What has God done for you?
What have you done to deserve God's blessings?
Sometimes it is a good practice to sit before God and admit who we really are. God certainly knows but when we are humble before God, we can truly see what remarkable things God has done for us and is continuing to do for us.
I invite you to take 10 minutes today to sit before God and realize who you really are. Then spend the remainder of the day in gratitude for God's good gifts poured out for you.
God, I invite your presence in these next few minutes as I ask myself: "Who am I?" Amen.
Copyright 2010 Amelia G. Sims