Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Ruined Reputation

How long will you people ruin my reputation? How long will you make these groundless accusations? How long will you pursue lies? Psalm 4: 2 NLT

This sounds like the retort of a famous celebrity on an entertainment show. Of course, this would be one of those times where I would wonder if all of this is some publicity stunt.

As I don't fit into that category, I have been thinking how this relates to me and my life. I am not sure that I have ever been in a position where others are telling outright lies about me. Even when I hate what others say about me, often there is a core of truth somewhere that I can admit to. Certainly others have greatly expanded upon simple truths to make my own faults more than they were. And there are always people whom I have unknowingly hurt who bring up everything I have ever done wrong.

Certainly the feelings in this psalm are very real. The psalm begins by saying that God knows they are innocent. It is people who are the accusers. I am reminded of the story of Job and his insistence in the face of his false friends that he had done nothing wrong to deserve suffering.

Has anyone ever accused you falsely? Told lies about you? Ruined your reputation? How did you react? What were you feeling? Did you pray to God as the psalmist does in this psalm?

God, there are times when we will be accused of things we have not done. May we always come clean with you God, and show you who were really are, asking for forgiveness and excepting your mercy. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2011 Amelia G. Sims

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