Sunday, August 26, 2012

Forgetting to be kind

“For he refused all kindness to others, he persecuted the poor and needy, and he hounded the brokenhearted to death. He loved to curse others; now you curse him. He never blessed others; now don’t you bless him. Cursing is as natural to him as his clothing, or the water he drinks, or the rich food he eats. Now may his curses return and cling to him like clothing; may they be tied around him like a belt.” Psalm 109: 16-19 NLT

Now we can understand yesterday’s harsh words of cursing: this person has not only done evil things but he has also been cursing others and hurting the helpless and needy. 

Makes me wonder if I would ask God for these things or if God would even listen to me. Would I be able to pronounce such judgment? Would God carry these out on the other person? 

I also wonder about my own similarities to the evil person. I can think of times in my life when I did refuse a kindness. I know I have lived in such a way that took advantage of the poor and needy. Surely there has been more than one occasion when I have failed to bless someone. I know I have wished bad things on at least one crazy driver in my lifetime. 

God, we come to you to you wanting to put down someone who has done bad things, yet we hesitate because we know we have done some things we are not proud of in our lifetime. Help us to help ourselves before trying to accuse others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Copyright Amelia G. Sims 2012

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